WordPress Events Contact Information

wordpress events general settings

The contact information of the General Settings section of our wordpress events plugin is pretty much self explanatory. This is where you add your company or business information such as the name, address, phone, and primary contact email.

Business Name & Address

Type your company name, street address, city, state, and postal code. Make sure you fill out all the information as much as possible or the plugin will not save the information.

wordpress events address

WordPress Events Contact Emails

This section of our wordpress events plugin is very important. The email address that you add here is where all notifications will go when someone registers for any of your events. In the secondary contact emails section, you can add more email addresses to receive notification of new registrations.

wordpress events emails

Do not leave any fields blank, as a result the plugin will not save if important information is missing. If you have any doubts you are welcome to search our Knowledbase using the search box above.

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